Wonderful post! It’s been way too long since I was last in Venice. For sure, the best part of a well-planned trip is the surprises that one discovers. Thank you!!
The reality is there are not sufficient qualified line cooks and reliable staff in SB to run these restaurants
You'd be surprised at the number of people in 10M homes that are overextended with mortgages. One job away from a forced sale.
— Bettye Jones on
Tri-County Produce, 335 S. Milpas
Are you asking me who is going to staff the 31 restaurants planning to open?
Imagine the legislative and staff man-hours spent on the trash bin law. Apparently our State thinks it's already solved all our important issues so we they have free time to spend making laws about the standard color of trash cans throughout the state. I'll never understand why people in our state think our government needs to make and control every little mundane decision. ESPCAILLY, when we're fumbling housing, education, homelessness, infrastructure, and fire preparedness.
The trash bin law is bizarre. First, trash bin colors are not something we need statewide laws about. C'mon. And second, why is MarBorg replacing them all at once? What a waste, and we're all paying for it somehow. Under the law - dumb as it is - they have until 2036 to replace them. Why not replace them as they wear out?
LOL! Was I commenting to you? Why are you angry? Your assumptions about me are laughable. Maybe you aren't fun to work for?
Oku has an uninviting, cold atmosphere. Food was forgettable too. Won't go back. I miss Piranha!
I'm not sure people buying $10M+ houses care much about the cost or availability of fire insurance. That one in particular looks pretty defensible.
— Jefferson A. on
Aside from the high price, I'd go with the assumption that the compound on San Roque Rd is uninsurable. As are a number of hillside properties currently on the market. Retaining insurance is a serious problem that is going to hit SB real estate hard in the coming months.
Loved hearing News-Press is back,and it's a loss that Erin has passed. I was always fascinated by the quality and dedication of/in her work. I live in Lompoc and waiting on the sonic boom is like waiting on a firecracker as a child..lol..
I am in the restaurant business and you are 100% wrong. It is very difficult to staff a late night shift in Santa Barbara. One thing I do agree with you on is that is you don’t know just don’t comment. You are definitely not in the restaurant industry and have never managed anything or anyone.
" The Falcon Heavy rocket was planned to launch from VAFB in 2013 but the launch was delayed and instead made from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Falcon rocket first flew from VAFB on September 29, 2013- from launch Complex4E" The Heavy's are best viewed on a clear, brisk am!
Roy, People who want to eat are selfish? How? I and many other people work non-traditional hours, so yes we would like places to eat after work. You say you aren't in the biz so I will tell you, it is not a huge burden for a restaurant to stay open later. Seriously, you admit to knowing nothing about the restaurant biz. Best not to comment.
Falcon Heavy launches here on the west coast, bring it! That would be awesome.
Sad to see Erin passed. RIP.
That's a wild bit of history! Thanks for this. That itself would make for a fascinating article, too.
Yes, it would be good to having dining options past 9pm. I'm Gen X, thanks for checking. Let me guess, you're a Boomer? Or maybe Silent Generation as you clearly like to get to bed early.
The actual , Hope Ranch Annex is defined as the area served by the La Cumbre Mutual Water Co. which is Hope Ranch and the area between Hope Ranch and Hollister Ave.
I want to know more about 3666 Campanil Dr - it's so showy up there and yet there's very little information about it to be found...
For the “night owls” out there, a bit of SB history to “chew on”. It wasn’t until Oct. 1901 the City Council introduced a resolution for eliminating the midnight power shutoff, and requiring ALL NIGHT ELECTRIC SERVICE.
People, the first word in Jo's post is "Hopefully". Relax. Get more sleep or whatever is needed to be a bit cheerful. Look what you started, Jo. KIDDING, I'm just kidding.
There is no way SB and environs will be able to support this number of restaurants, either from a staffing or clientele perspective Most will be gone in a year