Loved hearing News-Press is back,and it's a loss that Erin has passed. I was always fascinated by the quality and dedication of/in her work. I live in Lompoc and waiting on the sonic boom is like waiting on a firecracker as a
I am in the restaurant business and you are 100% wrong. It is very difficult to staff a late night shift in Santa Barbara.
One thing I do agree with you on is that is you don’t know just don’t comment. You are definitely not in the restaurant industry and have never managed anything or anyone.
" The Falcon Heavy rocket was planned to launch from VAFB in 2013 but the launch was delayed and instead made from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Falcon rocket first flew from VAFB on September 29, 2013- from launch Complex4E"
The Heavy's are best viewed on a clear, brisk am!
Roy, People who want to eat are selfish? How? I and many other people work non-traditional hours, so yes we would like places to eat after work. You say you aren't in the biz so I will tell you, it is not a huge burden for a restaurant to stay open later. Seriously, you admit to knowing nothing about the restaurant biz. Best not to comment.
Falcon Heavy launches here on the west coast, bring it! That would be awesome.
Sad to see Erin passed. RIP.
That's a wild bit of history! Thanks for this. That itself would make for a fascinating article, too.
Yes, it would be good to having dining options past 9pm.
I'm Gen X, thanks for checking. Let me guess, you're a Boomer? Or maybe Silent Generation as you clearly like to get to bed early.
The actual , Hope Ranch Annex is defined as the area served by the La Cumbre Mutual Water Co. which is Hope Ranch and the area between Hope Ranch and Hollister Ave.
I want to know more about 3666 Campanil Dr - it's so showy up there and yet there's very little information about it to be found...
For the “night owls” out there, a bit of SB history to “chew on”. It wasn’t until Oct. 1901 the City Council introduced a resolution for eliminating the midnight power shutoff, and requiring ALL NIGHT ELECTRIC SERVICE.
People, the first word in Jo's post is "Hopefully". Relax. Get more sleep or whatever is needed to be a bit cheerful.
Look what you started, Jo. KIDDING, I'm just kidding.
There is no way SB and environs will be able to support this number of restaurants, either from a staffing or clientele perspective Most will be gone in a year
I agree with Roy that first comment about staying open later is very tone deaf. Many restaurants are struggling to staff and/or to keep their doors open.
Stop with the requests and unhelpful comments and reviews. Instead if you didn’t like the food, service or the hours at an establishment just don’t go back.
Thank you for highlighting all the interesting, wonderful, and quirky aspects of my neighborhood behind Magnolia Center. Moved here in 1993 and I would not want to live anywhere else in Santa Barbara/Goleta. Why is it special? The people who live here!
Roy, why are you signing your name at the end of these? Lemme guess, you're a boomer!
See how does that feel? Not too great. Maybe don't be some combative dude. And definitely don't bring generation hate into this. That's weird.
Jo was expressing hope. You're saying they are demanding late hours and are writing journal entries defending an argument that hasn't even transpired. They expressed hope for later hours and you perceived that as an argument and that sent you on a spiral Roy.
Roy, get some help buddy. No one like a grumpy boomer
My favorite thing about this comment section is the fact that the only restaurant in Santa Barbara that consistently serves late, is Restaurant Roy 😂
Seriously you all, how much business do you think the average restaurant would do from 9:00-10:00pm here in Santa Barbara? I’m not in the restaurant business but I am a business owner and if the demand is not there you simply don’t offer that service.
Like I said before please don’t be selfish and stop telling businesses how they should be operating. How would you like if I was telling you how you should do your job? Let’s all take a step back and let people operate their businesses the way they see fit. If you don’t agree maybe you should open a restaurant and keep it open all night It sounds like you would make lots of money.
Who do they think will staff these?
I can relate to more late night options Thursday-Saturday. I use to frequent Edomasa when it would stay open till midnight and I am happy to learn that Roy is open till midnight again.
Roy, take a deep breath and a chill pill. Not everyone like to have dinner at 4:30pm and goes to bed at 8pm.
I so agree. And what is with his over the top " Moroccan " fetish ???
Jeez, Roy. JO was expressing a hope, not a demand. Also, what’s the deal with calling out someone’s “generation” as an insult? There is literally zero information to indicate JO’s age. Let’s celebrate good food and new businesses willing to invest in our community! I look forward to enjoying many of these spots.
I personally think it’s kind of selfish for you to ask if they can stay open past 9pm. Do you know how difficult it is to operate a restaurant ? Let’s have all restaurants stay open just for you so they can loose money but don’t worry Jo your favorite restaurant will stay open just to serve you and your hand full of night owl friends.
Let me guess you’re a Gen Z..??
Replaced the house of his parents, Erminia Caccia De Piazzi and Umberto De Piazzi