Zoe Saldana Bought a Classic Montecito Estate

••• Actress “Zoe Saldana Drops $17 Million on a Grand Old Montecito Estate […] Originally designed in 1930 by noted Santa Barbara architect George Washington Smith, the Spanish Revival–style estate is loaded with century-old quirks.” —Robb Report

••• Photos of last week’s storm and its aftermath. —Edhat, Noozhawk

••• “West Beach Closed Due to Sewage Spill […] The spill involved a release of at least 9,000 gallons of sewage from a sewer manhole to Mission Creek, near Vernon Road and Stanley Drive in Santa Barbara. As a result, West Beach from Santa Barbara Harbor to 1⁄4-mile east of the Mission Creek outfall has been closed to recreational water contact.” —Edhat

••• “The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors will be holding a hearing in January to set limits on the number of roosters people can keep on their property. […] As the ordinance is currently written, it would allow properties less than one acre in agricultural zones to keep a maximum of one rooster, those more than one acre to five acres to keep a maximum of two roosters, those more than five acres to 20 acres to keep five roosters, and properties more than 20 acres to keep a maximum of 20 roosters.” —Noozhawk

••• “Mission Possible: Returning the Kelp Forest to Our Coast […] Santa Barbara Fisherman Chris Goldblatt Plans to Bring Back Reef Habitats Around the Globe.” —Independent

••• “Caltrans has formally announced the northbound Gaviota Rest Area is now open following a major renovation to its wastewater and electrical systems. […] The southbound Rest Area will re-open next spring following the completion of the nearby slope repair project.” —Edhat

••• “Three years after she helped lead the first wave of January 6 rioters up the steps of the U.S. Capitol, pushing through a line of police and receiving a volley of pepper spray in the process, Santa Ynez resident Karen Jones was arrested and charged with four federal counts of trespassing and disorderly conduct. Jones―an elected director of the Santa Ynez Valley Community Services District, a local tax-collecting agency that provides sewer and streetlight services to residents―was taken into custody on December 14 in Austin, Texas. Jones’s husband, Robert, […] faces the same set of charges. Each count carries a maximum potential sentence of 12 months in prison.” —Independent


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You failed to mention the one act Karen Jones has been written about most- she led a rousing PLEDGE OF ALLIEGIENCE on the front steps – such a horrific act….so sad that the only person who died that day was shot by an officer in the face and was unarmed!

Doug B

Maybe Karen Jones will be the first to use the “but I led a rousing Pledge of Allegiance before committing the crime” defense.


No it isn’t sad that the only person who died was unarmed. She attacked the capitol, and broke through a window. And she wasn’t the only person who died. Her act was disgusting and unlawful and depraved. The Capitol police were overwhelmed and in danger protecting our elected Senators and Representatives. there is no justification for her actions… she suffered the consequences of an unlawful act. The Capitol police were defending our Capitol police died also.


Was that a rebuttal? You are saying its good a unarmed white woman died being shot in the face? She wasn’t throwing a maltov cocktail at a police station during a BLM march- wrong protest

Charles H Keyser

She was trying to get in to hang Mike Pence or Nancy Pelosi or both. The insurrectionists were lucky there were no machine guns (or at least snipers) on the roof of our capitol.


Trying to get in to hang someone? Really? This is what they are “charged” with- try not to laugh:
“They each face four misdemeanor charges, including for entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building or grounds; and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building. ”

Not charged with: looting a business (like the BLM riots attendees), not charged with igniting a fire (like many in the previously mention riots), not charged with lobing bricks at police (need I repeat myself?), and not charged with shutting down a freeway – at least they still are leaning on BLM organizer and riot conductor Tiana Arata over her role in the SLO incident where a skateboard went thru a back window of a car stopped due to freeway tomfoolery. She was arrested and charged with participating in a riot unlawful assembly, conspiracy, unlawful imprisonment and resisting arrest. Thank you Dan Dow for not letting this incident slide.

Dan O. Seibert

You want a rebuttal? . . . OK. I spent the summer of 1985 working for John McCain, one of the many things I learned that summer is the Capitol steps are off limits to the public unless you are accompanied by a member of Congress. Or you have a permit to hold a gathering. So all of those people that crossed the barriers on Jan. 6, reciting the pledge with Karen Jones, broke the law, this is fact #1. The woman you refer to, Ashli Babbitt was not shot in the face. Look at the videos, there is no blood on her face and no blood spatter on the people or walls behind her. She was shot in the shoulder, that is #2. Lastly, you state she was unarmed, let’s define the term. You might be thinking she was unarmed because she didn’t have a gun in her possession. But she did have a “para-force” style of knife with her. In my opinion carrying a knife is being armed. At this point I’ve impeached you on all three of your points, is this a good enough rebuttal or would you like to head into the bonus round?


Imagine the lapse in critical thinking skills it takes to fall for and believe what Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity says let alone the orange makeup wearing leader of their cult…

Like my grandpa used to say “The hardest thing for a fool to figure, is to figure they’ve been fooled.”

Remember, these people walk among us. Avoid them if possible and if you’re so inclined, take advantage of them – they’ll fall for anything. Except when it’s backed by science, math and indisputable fact.

– Bob!



You as foolish as your hand makes you appear? Its so funny that in thinking they are describing the “other side”, you are actually describing yourself.

Do you know ANYONE who let’s a person they’ve never met or even shook hands with tell them “what to believe”- what a fool you are Bob!


One thing I have learned in years on social media is to ignore the trolls. Commenting on their rantings just gives them life. Happy new year.
