I was walking on Anacapa Street when I noticed a pressure cooker attached to a utility pole at the corner of La Paz Avenue. And then a couple of days later, I saw a stockpot at Garden and E. Padre. What purpose do they serve? —P.
I first contacted a rep for Southern California Edison, who ran the question by folks in the field. “Frontier planner confirmed that this is a repeater that extends Frontier’s network in more remote areas or where signal is weak,” was the response. “They are supposed to be around ten feet and above per state regulations.”
But why the pressure cooker and stockpot? “The photos show weatherproof cases that protect network equipment,” said a rep for Frontier Communications. “They pose no safety risk.” Presumably the company uses cookware as a creative workaround—it’s likely cheaper to buy it than to make something new.
Got a question? Email sitelinesb@gmail.com or text 917-209-6473 and I’ll do my best to get an answer.
Previous Burning Questions:
••• What’s This Concrete Ramp Thing on East Beach?
••• Why Does “USA” Get Written on the Street?
••• What Are Those Poles in the Ocean Near the Ritz-Carlton Bacara?
••• Are People Really Allowed to Set Fires in the Middle of Montecito?
••• What’s the Story With the Half-Finished Lot Next to the Montecito Country Mart?
••• Is the Bridge Over San Ysidro Creek Ever Going to Get Repaired?
They most likely were designed after pressure cookers, why mess with perfection?
But FWIW, the T1 repeater cans don’t just keep out the rain, they are actually pressurized with inert nitrogen gas. Sensors inside monitor the can’s pressure so the telco knows if one springs a leak before moisture gets in and destroys all the expensive goodies inside.