••• Damaged in the big debris flow, Montecito’s Ashley Road bridge had been scheduled to reopen on December 27, but the contractor is now forecasting February 11, weather permitting. Below: the bridge on December 26.
••• The slow drip of announcements from the Santa Barbara International Film Festival continued with one about Lupita Nyong’o getting the “Montecito Award.” She’s an Oscar contender for Us.
••• Three more recent sales of note:
—210 Miramar Avenue in Montecito’s Hedgerow, which is composed of a pair of conjoined 18th-century Tudor-style barns, sold for $3.6 million. It was first listed at $7.75 million in December of 2017, then relisted this past July for $4.75 million.
—Bonkers/fabulous 1230 Toro Canyon Road, which has a partially finished wraparound moat-pool, sold for $1.065 million. That’s half off what it was first listed for in August.
—And after 1215 High Ridge Lane on the Riviera sold for $4 million, a tad higher than the asking price, it was promptly put on the rental market for $8,000 per month, presumably so the new owner can squeeze out some income while he/she figures out how to build on the juicier part of the lot.
••• The hermit in me is intrigued by the idea of the 38-acre “Santa Barbara Ranchette” in New Cuyama just listed for $1.3 million (with an additional 760 acres available for $3.2 million more). The restaurant lover in me isn’t quite so sure, despite the charms of the Cuyama Buckhorn….
