••• “During a press conference on Friday afternoon, Public Health Director Van Do-Reynoso stated the case rate metric is holding the county back from moving into the less restrictive orange tier. Santa Barbara County’s case rate is currently at 4.6 and needs to be at 3.9 or lower to qualify for orange. All other metrics meet the necessary requirements. […] High school students in Orcutt […] gathered at a party and spread Covid-19 shutting down one school. ” —Edhat
••• “As of Wednesday, the County Elections Office reports receiving about 215,000 vote-by-mail and in-person ballots, a 91% turnout rate [….] Plus, there are thousands of ballots that still need to be counted.” —Noozhawk
••• “At this time, the Santa Barbara News-Press is not calling Joe Biden the winner. The media that has called the results since this past Saturday is premature and incorrect.” The article is unbylined, which I think we can assume means it’s by ultraconservative owner Wendy McCaw.
••• Somehow this escaped notice till now…. ”The Santa Barbara Waterfront Department announced at the Oct. 15 Santa Barbara Harbor Commission meeting the annual Parade of Lights has been canceled this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Santa’s Village and fireworks show will also not take place this year.” —The Log (via Edible Santa Barbara)
••• “The last oil company with permit applications in Cat Canyon withdrew its proposal for 187 new wells, the Environmental Defense Center announced with satisfaction today.” —Independent
••• “Steve Finley, the decorated former baseball all-star who spent 19 years in the MLB and played for a total of eight different teams—the Dodgers, Astros, Orioles, and Padres among them—amassing a World Series championship and five Golden Glove awards in the process,” bought a 5.7-acre ranch above Santa Barbara for $5.7 million. —Dirt

Re: your comment about Santa Barbara news not calling biden as president – you do realize that the media has no authority to do so? The states have to certify votes- the process is laid out in the Constitution.
Before you dismiss my comment as “she must be Republican” – I am not a Republican, have always been independent but see this kind of misinformation being posted, shared etc. I am shocked that such misinformation about the voting process keeps getting shared by so called media/journalists. Either you are misinformed (in which case you really need to read the Constitution!) or you are purposely not covering the facts. In either case its irresponsible!
Furthermore, you are showing your bias that the owner of the Santa Barbara News isn’t reporting biden as winning because you believe she is conservative. She is doing what ALL responsible journalists should be doing, she is waiting for the states to certify votes!
Megan dear,
You lost all credibility the moment you declared Wendy Mc Caw a responsible journalist.
Bruce is correct. Windy ;-) is not a responsible journalist, far from it, and she has spent many millions trying to delegitimize responsible journalism. Hence, the once award-winning SB News Press (pre-Windy) has become a few skinny pages of birdcage liner.