January 13, 2025
Other local news: California issues social-distancing guidance for places of worship; Goleta food-preservation firm is now valued at $1 billion; two-hour weekend parking limit at Montecito beaches and trailheads; mountain lion spotted again; drive-in theater reopened.
With in-person classes canceled for months, the campus is a lovely place for a stroll. You can expect many "I Am Legend" moments, where you'll feel like the last person on earth. 1
May 24, 2020
Plus: Have you walked down State Street now that it's closed to cars?; a stripped-down Jeff Shelton rental; a pair of Montecito notables have gone MIA; two more sales of note.
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May 23, 2020
Other local news: County creates contact-tracing crew; big donation to help undocumented workers; Montecito Planning Commission dithers over the San Ysidro Roundabout; invite an animal to your next Zoom meeting.
Rare is the high-end property around here that sells for the initial ask. The question is: how far does the number have to drop before someone bites? Here are the week’s top 10 price-chops.
May 22, 2020
Now that the county has allowed restaurants to reopen for dine-in service, they're doing just that—some only at their outdoor tables, others inside, too. Here's a running list.
Other local news: Interview with Santa Barbara's economic development chief; many Old Spanish Days Fiesta events will be held online; OstrichLand update.
More food news: The Honor Bar is open for dine-in service; Helena Avenue Bakery is half-opening; Bibi Ji and Lilac Patisserie expanded their hours; in praise of novelty, as experienced at Zaytoon, Taqueria Santa Barbara, and Secret Bao.
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Please save the name calling for the EdHat comment section, you'll fit in much better there. — Jefferson A.
The huge dingleberry hanging from your dunce hat must be in your eyes bro! — Christine!
RE. Harding bridge, it was built in the 1990's because of flooding. — Hans
If your monthly rent is more than what many make in a year you should not be receiving the same rental protections. — Jefferson A.
Bullseye. Funny how these folks always self-identify. Sure makes them easy to avoid... In fact, you will know all about their 'world view' just by… — Sam Tababa
Interesting attempt to finger point at and label those who care about victims of disasters. Those who believe in free market principles are not always… — Bettye Jones
I thought so too, but I checked the price at my local coffee shop and it was the same. Yes, Whole Foods has bagels for… — Art
Quite entertaining to watch the "Free Market Conservatives" get upset that the market is active and that the Government regulations and services they rail against… — Sam Tababa
Plus $2.50 for a spread — Gracie
It's not just "high end" rentals. I already spotted a $300/month increase to a regular Goleta residence I had been watching. It was already a… — Just a person
Recent Comments
Please save the name calling for the EdHat comment section, you'll fit in much better there. — Jefferson A.
The huge dingleberry hanging from your dunce hat must be in your eyes bro! — Christine!
RE. Harding bridge, it was built in the 1990's because of flooding. — Hans
If your monthly rent is more than what many make in a year you should not be receiving the same rental protections. — Jefferson A.
Bullseye. Funny how these folks always self-identify. Sure makes them easy to avoid... In fact, you will know all about their 'world view' just by… — Sam Tababa
Interesting attempt to finger point at and label those who care about victims of disasters. Those who believe in free market principles are not always… — Bettye Jones
I thought so too, but I checked the price at my local coffee shop and it was the same. Yes, Whole Foods has bagels for… — Art
Quite entertaining to watch the "Free Market Conservatives" get upset that the market is active and that the Government regulations and services they rail against… — Sam Tababa
Plus $2.50 for a spread — Gracie
It's not just "high end" rentals. I already spotted a $300/month increase to a regular Goleta residence I had been watching. It was already a… — Just a person