••• Local artist Kara Suhey has opened an online shop for her dreamy prints. Pictured above: “I Feel Free” ($48).
••• Porch opens its Summerland store on Friday.
••• Friday’s meeting of the county’s South Board of Architectural Review includes three items related to cannabis cultivation:
Request on behalf of the property owner, Eduard Van Wingerden, to consider Case No. 19BAR-00000-00125 for Conceptual Review of approximately 468,000 sq. ft. of immature plants (nursery), mixed-light cannabis cultivation, and associated uses within a portion of an existing 492,249 sq. ft. greenhouse on the property known as 4701 Foothill Road. […]
Request on behalf of the property owner, Winfred Van Wingerden, for a Development Plan and associated Coastal Development Permit to allow approximately 186,813 square feet of mixed-light cannabis cultivation in an existing, permitted greenhouse [4555 Foothill Road]. The project request includes an increase in the height of the existing greenhouses by 6-feet for a proposed new 22-foot roof ridge height. All cultivation activities including ancillary processing (such as drying, trimming, and employee break areas) will occur within the existing packing house on the property. […]
Request of Jay Higgins, agent for the owner VWV LLC, to consider Case No. 19BAR-00000- 00123 for Conceptual Review of a nursery and mature [cannabis] plant cultivation in 177,760 sq. ft. of greenhouse and 16,974 s. ft. of ag accessory structures [at 3508 Via Real]. Greenhouses would be raised from 15 ft. to 22 ft. in height for improved circulation. […]
A few notes: 1) The two Foothill Road properties share a border. 2) VWV LLC was registered by Ivan Van Wingerden, and there’s more about the family in this May 2019 article in Los Angeles magazine. 3) The square footage numbers—468,000, 186,813, 177,760, and 16,974—add up to 849,547 square feet, or 19.5 acres.
••• Lazy Eye Shop, which sells used clothing, is moving to 5879 Hollister Avenue in Goleta (next to Old Town Coffee). Lazy Eye Shop it out this Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
••• The Santa Barbara Historical Museum’s next “History Happy Hour at Home” is Wednesday, September 9: “Grab a glass of wine and join us for a presentation in your living room. Historian Hattie Beresford will take you on a historical road trip along the Gaviota Coast as we speed along new State Highway 2 in 1919. With the bridges at Arroyo Hondo and Refugio finally completed, we should be able to make good time as we explore the interesting sites and sights along the way. If the Chanslor is in port at Alcatraz, we may even take in a shipboard moonlight dance. Bring your Kodak and snap some shots on this most amazing two-day trip to the little town that’s grown up on the Buell Ranch across the Santa Ynez River. Stops along the way include Naples, Rancho Tajiguas, El Capitan, Arroyo Hondo, Alcatraz, Gaviota, Las Cruces, and Rancho La Cuesta. Not to worry, we’ll keep the throttle down and adhere to the current highway speed limit of 30 miles per hour.” Register here. Photo courtesy the Santa Barbara Historical Museum.
••• From the office of architect Jeff Shelton: “Jeff’s original tile designs are now available globally [….] Check out all twenty tiles at villalagoontile.com where you can use their design tool to create your own color combinations or work with their team.” The quail one is extra fantastic.

Recent Comments
For me, the aesthetics of this project are terrible. I think that's what needs to change. However, if you add more low income units to… — John
I feel seen. Did I scoop you or tip you off? — Christine!
Despite the monstrous nature of this project, what's up with demolishing 8 low-income units? Even if those 8 income-restricted units are replaced in the project,… — Rick
Wait, I'm confused. It's from L.A. - aren't we supposed to hate it? /s — Doug B
I stopped on that corner so many times 15 - 25 years ago after nights at WildCat. If they're smart about it, they'll be open… — Daryl
Outdoor lighting is already enforced by Santa Barbara County Planning & Development's zoning enforcement, which is a reactive, complaint-driven program. Roughly 5% of their annual… — Paul
Yeah, too bad the veg option is twice that! — Meredith
Drone Patrol by the noisy neighbors? Or by their Private Security Operatives? — Judy's Older Brother
I think this is brilliant, an easy walk from State St. or people can park in the Ortega Street public lot. The prices seem reasonable.… — Meridith Moore
I’m so tired of smash burgers. They’re like burger jerky. I want a thick, juicy burger. — Sue