Shop Local Gift Guide, Part 1: This holiday season, make an effort to spend your money here—because If you want wonderful independent shops, you need to support them. I’ve done some advance work, picking out possible gift items at Westward General and Folly.


••• Lamborghini caught going 152 miles per hour on Highway 154.
••• Santa Barbara Cemetery wants to add 2,358 crypts.
••• The county sets its sights on Carpinteria for housing.
••• Surfliner Inn ballot measure inches closer to failing.
••• 7-Eleven on Milpas was looted by teenagers and will close soon.
••• The children’s library at the Central Library has reopened.
••• “Social media superstar” bought on Mission Canyon Road.
••• Carpinteria water-purification facility in the works.
••• The tree of the month is the weeping fig.
→ Read the post.


••• Mysterious activity at one of Montecito’s biggest properties (above).
••• Santa Barbara Bowl Christmas tree lot isn’t happening this year.
••• Hermosillo Road finally gets advance Highway 101 signage.
••• The Music Academy of the West shortened its name.
••• New clothing store coming to State Street.
••• Inn at Mattei’s Tavern will open in February.
••• Updated rendering of Santa Barbara High School’s forthcoming VADA building.
••• Golf store changes hands (and brings in pickleball equipment).
→ Read the post.


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Recent Comments
I feel seen. Did I scoop you or tip you off? — Christine!
Despite the monstrous nature of this project, what's up with demolishing 8 low-income units? Even if those 8 income-restricted units are replaced in the project,… — Rick
Wait, I'm confused. It's from L.A. - aren't we supposed to hate it? /s — Doug B
I stopped on that corner so many times 15 - 25 years ago after nights at WildCat. If they're smart about it, they'll be open… — Daryl
Outdoor lighting is already enforced by Santa Barbara County Planning & Development's zoning enforcement, which is a reactive, complaint-driven program. Roughly 5% of their annual… — Paul
Yeah, too bad the veg option is twice that! — Meredith
Drone Patrol by the noisy neighbors? Or by their Private Security Operatives? — Judy's Older Brother
I think this is brilliant, an easy walk from State St. or people can park in the Ortega Street public lot. The prices seem reasonable.… — Meridith Moore
I’m so tired of smash burgers. They’re like burger jerky. I want a thick, juicy burger. — Sue
Will the string light police be peeking over backyard hedges? — KF