The plan for 685 new apartments at La Cumbre Plaza: The developers are focusing on the greater Macy’s area, in the belief that a smaller development comprising buildings of different styles will be more in character with Santa Barbara than something monolithic.


“I’ve been wondering what the story is with the metal building going up next to Highway 101 at the southbound Patterson exit. Caltrans? Union Pacific?” The answer.


••• Church has plans for a big roof deck downtown.
••• Women’s apparel store opening in the former Rite Aid on State Street.
••• Olive Mill ramps not closing till at least January 8.
••• New look for the apartment complex proposed for Carrillo and De La Vina.
••• Updates on the downtown electric-vehicle charging station and the redesign of the State Street undercrossing.
••• Gaviota rest areas reopen.
••• The story behind a Jeff Shelton house on the Riviera.
••• The annual homeless count.
••• Drive-through car wash in the works for S. La Cumbre Road.
••• “Golden Hour” at My Pet Ram.
→ Read the post.


Congratulations to Kelly Lane for identifying where this was shot. We’ll play again Saturday morning.
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Recent Comments
I feel seen. Did I scoop you or tip you off? — Christine!
Despite the monstrous nature of this project, what's up with demolishing 8 low-income units? Even if those 8 income-restricted units are replaced in the project,… — Rick
Wait, I'm confused. It's from L.A. - aren't we supposed to hate it? /s — Doug B
I stopped on that corner so many times 15 - 25 years ago after nights at WildCat. If they're smart about it, they'll be open… — Daryl
Outdoor lighting is already enforced by Santa Barbara County Planning & Development's zoning enforcement, which is a reactive, complaint-driven program. Roughly 5% of their annual… — Paul
Yeah, too bad the veg option is twice that! — Meredith
Drone Patrol by the noisy neighbors? Or by their Private Security Operatives? — Judy's Older Brother
I think this is brilliant, an easy walk from State St. or people can park in the Ortega Street public lot. The prices seem reasonable.… — Meridith Moore
I’m so tired of smash burgers. They’re like burger jerky. I want a thick, juicy burger. — Sue
Will the string light police be peeking over backyard hedges? — KF