Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker Bought an Oceanfront House Here

••• “UC Santa Barbara cut two floors [and around a thousand beds] from its proposed Munger Hall student dormitory design and released updated renderings of the nine-story structure on Sept. 26 as it reaches the final stages of the approval process. […] The university initially projected to break ground on the dormitory in Winter Quarter 2023, but now has no target to start construction.” —Daily Nexus

••• The buyers of Conan O’Brien’s place on Padaro Lane were Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker. —US Weekly

••• “Beginning early in November, […] City Hall will begin treating the State Street promenade as a giant ‘living experiment’ where different approaches to solving the problem [of cyclists and pedestrians coexisting] will be tried out in real time based on the number and proximity of number of parklets and pedestrians. In the meantime, he said, city police will begin enforcing the vehicle code—or some variant thereof—to make sure cyclists don’t run red lights and stop signs with impunity and pedestrians are not in jeopardy. […] The level of concern, hostility, and outright anger directed at youthful e-bike riders has become nothing short of intense.” Well, yes. That people too young to drive cars can zoom around on electric bikes anywhere, let alone in spaces intended for cyclists and pedestrians, continues to baffle. —Independent

••• Profiles of the three candidates running for the District 1 seat on the board of the Santa Barbara Unified School District. —Noozhawk

••• “Santa Barbara Auto Group plans to add a new Porsche portico, an electric vehicle maintenance building and more space for its Porsche/Mercedes and BMW/Audi buildings on its property at 401 S. Hope Ave. [….]  As part of the project, Santa Barbara Auto Group must also bring the site up to code for bicycle parking, and create a total of 34 bike parking spaces. There currently are 11 spaces.” —Noozhawk

••• The county held a ribbon-cutting for the Randall Road Debris Basin in Montecito. The little trail, which will run to the left of the base. if you’re standing on East Valley Road, is not open yet. —KEYT


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There goes the neighborhood. I’m sure the whole grifting family will find a way to fly in and out every other day.


You took the words right out of my mouth :-). There goes the neighborhood. It’s done….


oh please- do a bit of research. They are ridiculous, not stupid.

Padaro Lane has been over for years- a classmate was a private chef for a family of 4 for a year, she slept in all their beds, wore the mother’s clothing and threw huge parties for the SBCC HRC students while they vacationed. All that and shared a jack/jill apartment w/Paul Tuttle. Good times


Padaro Rd is “over”? There’s currently a compound there on sale for $109 ***million*** dollars. The only time Padaro will ever be “over” is if it is taken by sea erosion.


As more celebs move into these beachfront properties, we can’t let them try to privatize our public beaches! Don’t forget all CA beaches are public land below the high tide line


I’m done I can’t stand that family the smell evil n evil is here….


“create a total of 34 bike parking spaces. There currently are 11 spaces”

Because owners of electric Porsche/Audi/BMW vehicles ride their bikes to the service department? What insanity is this? The location already provides bike parking and storage for employees; this new parking is for customers.


Really ….??‍♀️
I hope that doesn’t mean the whole family is moving here too.
The neighborhood is definitely going down

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