Increased Speed-Limit Enforcement in Highway 101 Construction Zones

••• L.A.-based interior designer Lee Stanton is opening a studio/antiques shop in Montecito’s Upper Village. Above: vintage outdoor chairs, from a set of four.

••• Back in March, I floated the rumor—as passed to me by an anonymous reader—that “the Coral Casino will separate and run independently from the resort.” At the time, a friend pooh-poohed that possibility, explaining that the hotel and club share the parking lot—an arrangement that would be hard to untangle. Well, another reader recently spotted surveyors at the parking lot the other day, which might (or might not) be meaningful. If you know anything, let’s hear it: email or text 917-209-6473. All tips are always anonymous.

••• It seems like every time I pass through the Summerland/Carpinteria Highway 101 construction zones, I see a California Highway Patrol officer trying to catch speeders.

••• Exciting news from the Channel Islands….

••• On September 12, writer T.C. Boyle do a reading from his new novel, Talk to Me, and a Q&A at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. “With an intoxicating mix of humor and profundity, Boyle explores a world where people can really talk to animals as he turns to the questions few of us admit to wondering about. What does it mean to be human? Is fully communicating with another being possible? Can one fully know a person or animal?” Tickets are $10 for non-members.

••• Remember the inflatable elephant being trotted around town as art? Here’s more on the who and the why.

••• Santa Barbara Airport has added signs as you approach the airport indicating whether parking is at or near capacity.


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