“Energy Enhancement” Facility Coming to Santa Barbara

••• Commercial real estate agent Caitlin Hensel reports that Malibu’s Wellness Recharge Center has subleased 1425 State Street (Sola/Micheltorena). Brace yourselves, skeptics!

We offer a peaceful and safe space where members can come to experience the power of a 24-unit Energy Enhancement System. […] An Energy Enhancement Session at one of our Centers, combines Scalar waves & photon fountains creating healthy, relaxing frequencies. This system generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves, also known as a scalar vortex. When combined with bio-photons (light) these fields of energy interface with the body’s DNA matrix & support your body’s natural desire to repair itself. When you place yourself & your loved ones in our Sanctuary, it showers your body’s 100 trillion cells with bio-photonic light, scalar-waves, virgin rainforest, ocean & earth grounding & Schumann resonance frequencies, and more…

••• Funk Zone boutique Sirena is moving to 1331 State Street (Victoria/Sola); a celebration is planned for this Friday.

••• A new way to get out on the water: Sandala, where you can “experience elevated sounds from beautiful sailboats”—such as sound healing and musical performances.

••• While poking around online about the Arrive motel coming to De La Vina and Samarkand Avenue, I landed on the website of Sherry & Associates Architects—which has a page devoted to a project, said to be “in the works,” called Hotel 21 West. Anyone know where it is? The name is likely a placeholder. UPDATE: S. points out that it could be 21 W. Montecito Street, where a hotel is indeed in the works.

••• Los Padres Forest Association says that Old Pueblo Trail, which has been closed for a while now, has finally reopened.

••• When I heard that Goleta’s Channel City Lumber was opening on Upper State (behind Chuck’s of Hawaii), I mentioned it and was prepared to move on. But then A. pointed out that the name of the new store is Channel City Hardware & Gifts, so I went on over. Most of the shop is hardware, a boon to nearby residents, and the front of the store is indeed dedicated to gifty stuff. Here are some photos—including one of a hardware aisle because I got such a kick out of “TUE LES MARMOTTES!”)


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Dan O.

21 W. Montecito is a few blocks from me. Interesting site for a hotel, the 101 on one side and the train station on the other.


Erik I know we are not supposed to poo poo businesses that are coming to SB, but I have to say that I’m super disappointed with this: “We offer a peaceful and safe space where members can come to experience the power of a 24-unit Energy Enhancement System.” Santa Barbarians deserve, at a minimum a 48-unit Energy Enhancement System, and everyone knows this. HARD PASS.

Erik Torkells

I’m pretty confident SkyG’s comment was meant as sarcasm, but either way, thanks for the link. Interesting stuff!
