Brainstorming New Locations for the Saturday Farmers’ Market

••• “The process to find a possible new location for the Saturday Farmers’ Market in Santa Barbara is not into crunch time just yet but at a special City Hall meeting efforts began to look at sites that could work. […] Early next year the city is expected to have a short list for new Farmers’ Market sites. […] Some of the suggestions including using ‘T-intersection’ concepts. For example, De La Guerra and two blocks of State Street. Another site was Parking lot 11 behind Institution Ale. There more than a dozen other locations suggested as well.” —KEYT

••• “Two mountain lions stopped one hiker in his tracks as he traversed a popular hiking trail in Santa Barbara at around 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Mark Richardson, a Santa Barbara resident, caught the big cats on video while hiking the Arroyo Burro Trail, about half a mile up from the Jesusita Trail junction, with his dog.” —KEYT

••• “Santa Barbara County supervisors agreed to increase the cost of annual passes and other fees for county parks Tuesday […] Supervisors voted to increase the annual vehicle permit fee, for county residents, to $100 from $90 for Jalama Beach and Lake Cachuma parks, and also increase annual Cachuma canoe/kayak fees to $40. The county won’t charge fees for the Cachuma pool except on holidays and Fridays through Sundays, since otherwise it’s not worth the money to staff a person collecting fees.” —Noozhawk

••• “Montecito Sanitary Board Supports Coastal Development Plan Application for Facilities: Future projects outlined in proposal include new administration office building, solar panel parking canopies and a recycled water plant.” —Noozhawk

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