The grandes dames of the Upper East rarely come available, and certainly not ones with this caliber of workmanship.
The grandes dames of the Upper East rarely come available, and certainly not ones with this caliber of workmanship.
Plus: The sweet old days of Summerland; former hostel site is on the market; accommodating an oak tree in style; Toro Canyon house sells for a million off the listing price.
After buying this 1950s Cielito house in early 2018 for $3.5 million, Xorin Balbes embarked on a thorough renovation and redecoration—but without changing the footprint. Now he has listed it for just under $9 million. The house is certainly something to see….
In other recent news: Restaurateur James Sly has died; Laura Capps will run against Das Williams for county supervisor; Southern California Edison’s fire mitigation efforts; Carpinteria moves to acquire the Rincon Bluffs Preserve.
The Castle in the Sky has personality to burn—along with a swimming pool moat, hot tub grotto, circular platform bed, and helipad, complete with hangar.
“We’re vibing off of In-N-Out,” says Low Pigeon co-founder Dennis Medina, explaining the menu’s tight focus. “We want you to know that the is coffee always on point.”
It has all the amenities of a small hotel, including a screening room, bar, gym, tennis court, and 11 fireplaces, not to mention one of the most decadent lawns this side of Oprah Winfrey’s compound.
Plus: The two other traffic circles that might follow—one at San Ysidro Road and the 101, and another at E. Cabrillo and Los Patos Way.
Recent Comments
In a post, so went to La Paloma web page and there it is
. This news + Dutch Garden being sold- waaaa — Christine!
Where did you see this? — GMA
Thanks, updated the text. — Erik Torkells
Not sure it is significant, but 2760 Sycamore Canyon sold for 9M on 10/3/24 - maybe owners had a change of heart. — Mike
When we were little over on bath five hundred block. Ernie's was the place had the best fries. They're the original He would see us… — Sandy
Well, gosh. I was really excited about Takashi Ramen, too. They had an extensive menu at DoorDash, so I ordered through them. Always hoping a… — Mick G
So this apartment building on Carillo and De La Vina fell through I guess. https://www.noozhawk.com/22-unit-housing-project-converts-critics-wins-key-approval-at-jiffy-lube-site-in-downtown-santa-barbara/ — Jon
I still mourn the loss of Romanti-Ezer there, but this seems like a good replacement. Dunno about the parking issue, there are multiple parking structures… — Rich
Win-Dow? That's unfortunate, given Third Window is currently the most popular smash burger in town... — Archie
Parking should not be a problem with a 3 story parking structure (practically empty) directly across the street — Mary