••• Furniture company Coda Studio is opening in Montecito’s Upper Village, in the space next to Tecolote Bookshop. From its website: “Coda Studio Malibu combines custom comfort and luxury with affordable factory direct pricing. We pride ourselves on value and service. Inspired by the Malibu/Bali ethos we believe our furniture can bring zen in to any environment large or small. Supported by Coda Industries we have over 27 years of building custom furnishings for some of the most prominent retailers and hotels around the globe.” The brand already has showrooms in Malibu, Denver, and Aspen.
••• A reader asked if I’ve heard anything about 780 Ashley Road, the striking contemporary Glass Pavilion house that was badly damaged in the debris flow. I went for a look and nothing seems to have changed; what appears to be furniture is visible inside. I asked around, and someone else said he’d seen workers there, so perhaps the owners will at least tear it down. Here are photos of the house in its glory days and a drone video showing the damage from up the creek down to the house (which shows up around 2:45).
••• Press release: “The Downtown Santa Barbara Organization is excited to announce a new collaboration with the City of Santa Barbara, a State Street Promenade Market between Carrillo and Figueroa streets, that will begin November 5 and continue throughout the year, every Thursday from 3-7:30 p.m. This market will highlight downtown businesses and local artisans while utilizing the newly created State Street Promenade as well as the holiday lights being installed on November 1.” More info, including how to participate, can be found here.
••• The agenda for the October 21 meeting of the Montecito Planning Commission includes an update on the cool plan to turn a decommissioned water tank into a cylindrical house: (The short version: a thicket of red tape.) “The hearing is a request by Ocean Vistas, LLC, property owner, to consider a Zoning Map Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Amendment to: Amend the Zoning Map designation on the subject parcel from Public Utilities to Single Family Residential, two acres minimum lot size (2-E-1) in compliance with Chapter 35.494 of the Montecito Land Use and Development Code; amend the Comprehensive Plan land use designation on the subject parcel from Public Utilities to Semi-Rural Residential, minimum parcel size two acres (SRR-0.5) in compliance with Chapter 35.494 of the Montecito Land Use and Development Code; determine the project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3).”
••• From the city of Santa Barbara: “The City is creating a Community Paseo network to make it easy for people to connect across town. Public Zoom webinars will be held on Oct. 14 and 15 to update you on the walking and biking improvements in the Westside neighborhood and in Downtown.” It’s a start…
