Five newly listed properties that don’t quite warrant posts of their own….
Cristal Clarke has a Miramar Beach house as a pocket listing for $8.4 million. (I don’t think the word “cottage” suits anything with that kind of price tag. Calling it a “once in a lifetime opportunity” might be correct, though, given the pace of climate change.) The interiors look like it’s currently a rental. Here’s hoping someone does it up right and has us over.
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The white-box contemporary house at 2110 Alisos Drive ($4.675 million) in Montecito has clean line and a spacious yard. Only the master bathroom seems to need serious attention.
1037 Estrella Drive ($4.795 million) is a redone ranch house in Hope Ranch. Someone bought it for $4.075 million in May of 2016, but it doesn’t appear to be lived in, so maybe the renovation took a few years.
“Perched magnificently on the Mesa’s Edgewater Way, this magical location is one of a kind,” says the listing—and that’s all we get, plus the one photo below, on 2204 Edgewater ($1.65 million). How bad can it be?
1185 Fife Lane ($7.5 million) is “a premium double lot, bordering the 6th & 7th fairways,” and “one of the largest homes set on the largest property within the Birnam Wood Golf Club,” according to the listing. The only two decent-size photos are the ones below, so the interiors might warrant a different kind of superlative.
