A New Local Clothing Line Called Bummerland

••• The teenage me would’ve loved that there’s a new local clothing line called Bummerland, available at the Boom Boom Bike Room. The June Gloom water bottle drops today.

••• The Tienda Ho store on State Street (Anapamu/Figueroa) is closing, reports Edible Santa Barbara.

••• The county released its “final ranked [cannabis] storefront retail location list by Community Plan Area.” There’s also one for Orcutt, but it’s held up in court. “These rankings are a result of the Phase 3 merit-based selection process. […] The highest ranked applicant per CPA list will be selected and invited to start the process to obtain a land use entitlement/permit and a cannabis business license.” All this fuss about the shops when it’s the farms that cause the real headaches….

••• A press release from the Santa Barbara Waterfront:

Santa Barbara Harbor’s Operation Clean Sweep, a seafloor debris cleanup program, holds its 13th annual event on Sunday, May 16. A team of volunteer divers, supported by 40 or so volunteer dock workers, will remove junk from beneath the California Urchin Divers Association dock, Fish Float North, and the City Pier. Divers will locate the junk and dock volunteers will cart it off for disposal. The event begins at 8 a.m., with a briefing on the Travel Lift Pier beneath the Harbormaster’s Office, complete with free coffee and donuts, and concludes with a hearty box lunch at 11:30 a.m.

During past events, volunteers—many of them “Clean Sweepers” from the start—removed over twenty tons of debris from Santa Barbara Harbor. Items retrieved during past years ranged from bicycles, barbeques, plastic barrels, and boat propellers to wire cages, outboard engines, phones, computers, and the occasional marine battery. […]

New to the event this year will be a neighborhood cleanup co-event. Slip permittees will be able to drop off large bulky trash items and e-waste, for free, at two locations in the harbor. And, since the beach is part of our harbor neighborhood, there will also be a beach cleanup of West Beach.

For more information or to volunteer, call Chris Bell at (805) 897-1962 or visit santabarbaraca.gov/cleansweep.

••• In June, vintage/antiques store Space Home & Garden in Carpinteria will expand into an annex behind the shop.

••• And Santa Ynez General, a store I need to get to because I have a new house and not enough stuff, is opening a by-appointment showroom dedicated to furniture.


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One Comment


Sad to see Tienda Ho go. The interior was always an adventure. It felt like you were making your way through a jungle to get to the $20 racks in back.
