The Helistop Applicant Thinks Opponents Are Just Jealous of His Wealth

••• The Montecito Journal previews the Montecito Motor Classic, which will be at the Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club (and not Coast Village Road, as in years past) this Sunday, September 22. Guess the Carpinteria Motor Classic doesn’t have the same ring to it…

••• An update on Patrick Nesbitt’s proposed helistops: “The new hearing, set for September 25, will determine if Nesbitt is granted a helistop permit—which the Federal Aviation Administration defines as formalized helicopter landing areas without fueling or support facilities. Although residents complain about helicopters flying over Montecito and Summerland regularly, no permitted landing pads exist in the area. If Nesbitt’s request is approved, he will be the first to legally land and take off from his property off Lambert Road.” Then there’s this part: “Ultimately, Nesbitt said he feels most of his opponents are jealous. ‘If you pay attention to the tone of most of the letters, you can sense a twinge of jealousy because I’m rich,’ Nesbitt said. ‘When I came to college I had $35 in my pocket, and I chose not to live that way. That shouldn’t be a reason to not grant the permit.'” I, for one, don’t care that he’s rich. The problem is that he’s pretty clearly a schmuck. —Independent

••• The Santa Barbara County Public Works Department says the Ashley Road bridge should be finished in December, contradicting a recent report in the Montecito Journal. I’m waiting to hear from Caltrans about the Montecito Creek Bridge on 192. Update: Caltrans says that bridge should be completed in October.

••• What various Montecito-related acronyms mean. —Montecito Journal

••• At the recent meeting of the Montecito Association Board of Directors, “YMCA executive director Mike Yamasaki reported that he and his team will soon be submitting their revised application for the revised renovation plans [….] The project is a scaled-down version of the original iteration, and includes a remodeled and slightly expanded main building […]; a new locker room building that will include family changing rooms; a new multi-purpose building on the northwest corner of the site for basketball, volleyball, and adult wellness classes; a revamped and widened pool; and a new second parking lot that will offer 44 spaces.” Here’s hoping the deepen the shallow end of the pool while they’re at it. —Montecito Journal
