Even Bars That Serve Food Have Been Told to Close

••• Restaurant Guy says that yesterday’s health order from the county insists all bars close, even if they sell food. But restaurants can stay open for outside service, and where exactly is the line between a bar and a restaurant?

••• Lucky’s (pictured at top) and Tre Lune have reopened.

••• From Rincon Beach Bar, which recently debuted on Santa Claus Lane: “The Garden is now open for Grab-n-Go lunch 12-3 Tuesday-Saturday (dinner reservations start at 4). Come have a cocktail and enjoy the garden with us! contactless ordering + outdoor dining + 9’ average table spacing.”

••• This week’s Independent cover story is “The Agro Women of Santa Barbara County: Five Life and Business Lessons from Our Female Farmers.” Do you think the editors know that aggro is British slang for aggressive behavior?

••• Dart Coffee Co. has spiffy new shirts.


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