3,100 Acres of Carpinteria Countryside for a Gentleman Farmer With $75 Million

Noteworthy new listings….

The plan to develop 3,100 acres of outer Carpinteria into 16 lots didn’t pan out, so now the whole caboodle is on the market. When Mansion Global asked how the $75 million price of 1820 Santa Monica Road is justified, given that the seller paid just $11.52 million in 2019, the listing agents claimed that the owner “invested tens of millions of dollars into getting the property entitled and graded for construction.” The listing agent also “said he sees the buyer as a wealthy individual with a love of nature and a propensity to enjoy living off the grid and growing their own food.”


The 1915 house at 1111 Mission Ridge Road ($7.695 million) on the Riviera is big (6,043 square feet), and it’s on 1.23 acres. The lack of interior photos, however, is troubling.


The combination of midcentury architecture and a Coast Village location makes 1170 High Road ($5.25 million) likely to appeal to someone fast. I wish the indoor/outdoor brick floors continued throughout the house.


You might be able to do something with 4452 Via Esperanza ($4.65 million) on 2.3 acres in Hope Ranch, but it’s going to take some vision to work with the 1975 architecture and sunken entrance. Please don’t change the fabulous pool deck.


With that price, 618 Castillo Street ($6.95 million) has to be a multi-property offering, and sure enough, you get a 1910 Queen Anne house, four two-bedroom townhomes, and a one-bedroom bungalow. (Your own little Melrose Place!) While the exteriors are appealing in a traditional way, the interiors reveal a zeal for color and pattern.


If you needed proof that not everything in the Hedgerow is charming: 160 Miramar Avenue ($4.195 million).


A 1934 Monterey Colonial in San Roque, 234 Canon Drive ($2.995 million) has plenty of tasty moments, which would only get better with fresher decor. With five bedrooms and 3,616 square feet, it’s big for San Roque, and I wouldn’t be shocked if it traded in the threes.


The Decor of the Week award goes to 2911 Holly Road ($2.875 million), not far from the Botanic Garden. The property seems to be in foreclosure, which implies a lot of deferred maintenance. But take a moment to savor that bathroom grotto, straight out of the Madonna Inn. Is it possible someone refuses to use anything but the outermost layers of toilet paper?


A tasty little 1926 Tudor in San Roque, 3117 Calle Noguera ($1.795 million) has the small spaces of an old house, but it seems to be in pretty good shape.


What’s the opposite of curb appeal? In its favor, however, 1401 Kenwood Road ($1.699 million) is just down the street from Hilda McIntyre Ray Park, in an area I have little familiarity with. Time for a walk….


1817 Clearview Road ($1.395 million) is one of the prettiest Westside houses I can remember seeing.


And a few others worth checking out:
••• 916 Aleeda Lane ($3.295 million): Desperately needs color and/or contrast.
••• 521 Scenic Drive ($3.15 million): Focus on the view.
••• 1609-1615 Grand Avenue ($2.68 million): Quarter-acre Lower Riviera lot with potential for a four-unit development, but it’s next to an assisted-living facility.
••• 1840 Barker Pass Road ($2.099 million): Three-bedroom at the intersection of Barker Pass Road and Eucalyptus Hill Road.
••• 1720 1/2 Calle Poniente ($1.1 million): Near Elings Park and with a buffer behind it.
••• 560 Apple Grove Circle ($1.725 million): Nicely done for a house this close to the 101.
••• 939 Mission Ridge Road ($1.595 million): Riviera two-bedroom requiring some work (below).


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And that $75m Carp offering, generally people who can afford that don’t grow their own food. Good luck finding water, too. I’d say ditch the plans for the mega-house and keep the AirStream.
